Also referred to as fixed partial dentures, dental bridges are a great way to address missing teeth while improving your smile and oral health. Not only will you be better able to chew your food or speak, you will finally be able to smile with confidence. Many people, when they think of dentures, think of those clunky removable ones that can slip or cause discomfort.

But today’s modern dental bridges are fixed in place, looking and feeling just like your natural teeth. Bridges offer durability and stability for peace of mind, when anchored to adjacent healthy teeth or dental implants. From restoring bite function to maintaining proper alignment, dental bridges in Piedmont CA have a multitude of benefits. These are the main ones.

Top 9 Advantages of Bridges

Bridges don’t just improve your smile. They also help to maintain facial structure, prevent shifting teeth, and enhance speech clarity.

Bridges can:

1. Restore Smile Appearance

Bridges fall under the umbrella of restorative dentistry. Customized to match the shape and shade of your natural teeth for a seamless appearance, the aesthetic benefits alone are well worth it. However, you will probably also enjoy a boost in confidence as well.

2. Distribute Even Bite Force

Your jaw exerts high amounts of force when you bite down. However, your bite will be affected if your teeth cannot handle that force evenly. Missing teeth can shift that pressure onto surrounding teeth in an uneven manner; this can lead to cracks, chips, and wear and tear. One of the main purposes of bridges is to evenly distribute bite force to the surrounding natural teeth. Not only does this prevent potential damage to your jaw’s long-term alignment, it avoids overload on any one tooth.

3. Maintain Facial Structure

Replacing a missing tooth or teeth with a dental bridge maintains your facial structure while supporting the natural contour of your face. As you can imagine, facial symmetry and balance are both critical to your facial appearance. When you have missing teeth, asymmetry can result that detracts from a youthful appearance.

4. Improve Chewing Ability

Proper chewing ability adds to quality of life and overall health. When you’re able to bite and chew effectively, your body absorbs nutrients more efficiently, which is a critical element to your daily diet. Any time you can enjoy eating and chewing, a larger variety of culinary options awaits you.

5. Prevent Shifting

Ignoring missing teeth can lead to the surrounding teeth shifting over time. In the absence of resistance of another tooth on either side, your existing teeth will eventually move out of place. The result? A lopsided smile. A bridge provides that resistance, preventing the other teeth from moving. Not only does this prevent the need for orthodontic treatment later on, it prevents a crooked smile.

6. Boost Speech Clarity

Clarity of speech is only assured when the various parts of your mouth work together in harmony. Gaps in your teeth can lead to speech issues like lisps as well as unclear pronunciation. A bridge’s job is to reinforce clear and natural speech.

7. Make Oral Hygiene Maintenance Easier

Easy to maintain and clean, dental bridges require the same commitment to brushing and flossing. You may have to be a bit more diligent just in case, but the maintenance process is essentially the same. Depending on the kind of bridge you opt for, there is nothing to remove and clean, or soak overnight. A good rule of thumb is to brush twice a day and floss once. Attend your twice-yearly dental appointments so your dentist can check on the continued health and operation of your bridge.

8. Prevent Gum Disease

Issues such as gum recession and plaque buildup can occur around areas of missing teeth. There are fewer places in which bacteria can hide when a bridge fills that gap, and therefore you can improve your gum health.

9. Reduce Bone Loss Risk

Bone loss, a serious risk with missing teeth, can be avoided with a bridge. Your jawbone remains strong because the roots of your natural teeth provide constant pressure and stimulation. When that support system goes missing, your jawbone deteriorates over time. Bridges can provide the support and stimulation your jawbone needs to operate effectively as you age, because they maintain pressure between the natural teeth.

Book a Bridge Consultation With Piedmont Oaks Dental

Our experienced team is here to restore your smile with dental bridges. It all begins with a consultation, so book your appointment with Piedmont Oaks Dental in Piedmont CA today at (510) 549-0133. From traditional and cantilever to bonded and implant-supported, there are many different types of bridges to choose from. Your dentist would be happy to go over the benefits and drawbacks of each option.